Saturday, October 31, 2015

New Day, New Blog

Ahh, that fresh blog scent. So nice. So clean.

Like lemon pledge. Only not as overpowering.

Welcome, friends and family and people on the internet I do not know! My name is Amy aka Miss Nerdy and this is my blog. I know, I know. It's so empty. But aren't there some wonderful things that are empty. Like a new bookshelf. Or the dishwasher.

There are, of course, horrible things that are empty such as a wine glass or my bank account, but that's not the feel I'm going for in my opening post, if ya know what I mean.

This little corner of the internet is to serve as my reading center. Here is where I will keep track of what I read, what I want to read, and anything else literature related that I decided to place here. So kick back, grab a cup of tea, and read with me!